We are pleased to invite you to one of the oldest and most beautiful cities of Belarus – Brest, a large industrial, cultural and sports center of our country. Visitors are attracted here not only by historical monuments but also by green parks and gardens, new light districts, original sport complexes, various museums, magnificent temples, as well as the warmth and hospitality of the residents of Brest.
You can get acquainted with the history of our city visiting our museums:
The memorial complex “Brest Hero Fortress”, opened on September 25, 1971 and immortalized the heroic deed of the garrison. The fortress was originally built as a military objective at the beginning of the XIXth century by the decision of Russian Emperor Nicholas I. The defenders of the Brest stronghold fought in its forts from the first hours of World War II during more than a month.
TheArchaeologicalMuseum “Berestye” is located on Volyn fortification of the Brest Fortress. It has found its shelter under a special dome over the excavation of 1000 sguare meters.
TheCityHistoryMuseumwasopenedin 1998. The permanent exhibition contains rare items and documents. The museum settled down in an old mansion.
The Museum of Railway Equipment situated the open air on the site, it was opened in 2002, it has 50 old cars and locomotives of the early XXth century. The oldest exhibit is the staff car of 1915; the most legendary one is the locomotive of F. Dzerzhynski. Allexhibitsareintheworkingcondition.
The Regional Museum of Local History was founded in 1950. Do you want to see the original documents signed by TadeushKostsyushko? And a casket with 58 rubies? What about ancient boratynkas (the first coins minted in Belarus)?Thencomehere! The Museum of the Saved Artistic Values. The exhibition has about 300 works of art and antiques , the Brest Customs confiscated them when they were tried to be exported abroad illegally.
Sovetskaya Street in Brest is informally called the Arbat, it happened so not only because of its pedestrian status: here, as in Moskow, you can hear the live sound of the guitar, accordion, saxophone, solo performances of your favorite ageless hits. 17 lanterns have been lit every night by hand since 2009.


224005, Brest,
str. Lenin, 2
+375 (162) 27-88-00(24/7) +375 (162) 27-88-06(9.00-17.00)